Lotus Flower OM
Lotus Flower OM

Lotus Flower OM
Partnered with Invest Atlanta to provide complimentary marketing services to small businesses.
The industry of skincare has had a major boom in the past couple of years, and Lotus Flower Om wanted to be part of that market’s resurgence. Their business model was too similar to its competitors, so they opted for a clear differentiator in their brand; wellness through skincare.
IPCOMM knew this was also an emerging trend for many skincare and beauty companies, so we had to find ways to communicate their unique value propositions. This would require a complete takeover of their logo, colors, and brand voice.
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Are you a small business? Contact us and apply here to the Invest Atlanta program for free marketing services today.
Lotus Flower OM
Invest Atlanta
Branding strategy, content strategy, social media content
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