Partnered with Invest Atlanta
Heaven Has a Heart

Heaven Has a Heart
Partnered with Invest Atlanta to provide complimentary marketing services to small businesses.
When we are born in a position of privilege, it is our duty to help those in need with what we can.No one understands this better than Heaven Has a Heart (HHH) (formerly Heartbeat of Heaven). Their mission since being founded has been to provide education and food service to impoverishedcommunities in Zimbabwe.
HHH needed to create a brand that resembled their name and embodied their mission. When wesat down with their team to discuss their objectives, it went beyond the logo and into designing anew image in every sense of the word. Heartbeat of Heaven needed a makeover, and IPCOMM knewhow to get it done.
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Are you a small business? Contact us and apply here to the Invest Atlanta program for free marketing services today.
Heven Has a Heart
Invest Atlanta
Rebranding, Content strategy, social media strategy.
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