Web Dev 101: 5 Points to Keep In Mind When Designing a Website


Web Dev 101: 5 Points to Keep In Mind When Designing a Website

Designing a website requires careful planning and consideration to ensure it meets both user and business needs. Luckily for you, we’ve put together a list of key factors for developers to keep in mind when designing a website:


User-centered Design

Your website should revolve around your users’ needs and preferences. Create user personas to guide your design choices. Companies that invest in improving their website’s user experience typically see conversion rates increase by up to 400%.


Loading Speed

Nobody likes a slow website. Optimize images and code to minimize load times and use content delivery networks (CDNs) for faster content delivery. Studies showed that if a website takes longer than three seconds to load, up to 40% of users will abandon it.


Content Hierarchy

Organize your content with a clear hierarchy, using headings and subheadings to guide users through your information.



Follow accessibility guidelines (WCAG) to make your website usable by all, including those with disabilities. Use semantic HTML and provide alternative text for images. As of 2021, approximately 15% of the world’s population had some form of disability, underlining the importance of accessible web design and adherence to accessibility guidelines like WCAG.


Cross-Browser and Mobile Compatibility

Test your website on multiple browsers as well as its mobile version to ensure it works seamlessly for all users.In 2021, mobile devices accounted for approximately 54% of global web traffic, and this number was expected to continue growing. This shows how essential it is to make your site mobile-friendly.


Designing and setting up a website has many components, but these are some pointers that allow you to create a more powerful, agile, and user-friendly website.